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Aguas de Benahavís and the Town Council fund the installation of water infrastructure in Sierra Leona

They will join forces with the international cooperation association Sierra de las Nieves to build drinking water storage systems and sewage pipes, facilities that were non-existent in this African country

In their commitment to the welfare of society and technological innovation, Benahavís Town Council and Aguas de Benahavís, a company that manages the municipal water supply and town's sewer system, have signed an agreement with the international cooperation association Sierra de las Nieves to construct water infrastructure in the African continent. The donation of over 19,000 euros will fund various crucial facilities in countries such as Ghana or Sierra Leona, which will help to improve the population's sanitary conditions and provide means to counteract various illnesses.

This project will be carried out in the city of Free Town, Sierra Leona. It consists of undertaking various works such as the installation of pipes and disinfection equipment, the construction of drinking water storage tanks and the development of photovoltaic panels to supply electricity to the water pumps, among other facilities that are currently almost non-existent in the area. For years, this country has been shaken by epidemics such as Ebola, whose high mortality could be reduced to a great extent by this water project.

In this way, both Aguas de Benahavís and its technological partner, Hidralia, continue to support humanitarian and social work in the municipalities in which they manage the water service, in local organisations, and outside our borders. This is the case of the NGO Sierra de las Nieves, which for years has collaborated with the Orden de los Padres Salesianos and missionaries in Ghana and Sierra Leona to install water infrastructure that will transport drinking water to the population as well as to build the sewage networks the people so desperately need. These organisations further their humanitarian work by setting up schools and orphanages for the many orphans in these countries.